Climate Change Intervention and Adaptation in Ethiopia: A Critical Appraisal of Systematic Review

Gosaye Degu Belay, Hamed Mohammadi, Ali Ardalan, Alireza Massah Bavani, Mohammad Javad Hosseinzadeh-Attar, Addis Adera


Climate Change affects the agricultural sectors of different countries differently and several studies confirm climate change’s negative impact on food security. Ethiopia has experienced repeated famine for a century.
The rationale of this paper is to analyze, report, and discuss the results of a critical appraisal of a systematic review looking at climate change intervention and adaptation in Ethiopia.
This paper systematically appraises methodological aspects of literature reviews examining the relationship between climate change and adaptation published in peer reviewed journal between 2000 to 2016.Systematically, twenty-five relevant articles were examined.
The overall effect of response and adaptation was aware the key informants and participant’s awareness creation on Ethiopians climatic change facilitation availability and improves climate change adaptation.
Conclusion: This systematic review reveals that the role of climate change adaptation is crucial for food security in Ethiopia. Thus, sustaining climate change is so important to attain food security in Ethiopia.


Adaptation, Critical Appraisal, Climate Change, Intervention, Systematic Review

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